Information & FAQs
What your child should wear in preschool
Our young learners spend a lot of time playing indoors and outdoors so we suggest that they are dressed in comfortable layers that can be removed or added when required. Comfortable enclosed shoes are required.
As part of our sun smart policy, your child will need a broad brimmed hat that remains at the kindergarten. At bush kinder children are required to wear pants and a long sleeve top, and always pack a waterproof jacket.
Please clearly label all pieces of clothing. Please keep a spare change of clothing in your child’s school bag. Gumboots can also be kept in your child’s bag.
What to bring for snacks and lunch
We recommend a nude food approach to encourage healthy, nutritious and environmentally friendly lunches and snacks. Bento boxes are a great way to create varied snack and lunch boxes, helping to reduce the need to buy pre-packaged foods.
As a guide, snack boxes should include:
- a piece of fruit or cut vegetables
- a healthy dairy snack such as cheese or yoghurt; and
- dry biscuits/muesli bar/baked treat.
Lunch boxes should include:
- something more substantial for lunch (sandwich/sushi/rice cakes) more fruit/cut vegetables; and
- a snack.
A labelled water bottle is also required for each session.
Foods to be avoided include sweet biscuits, chips, lollies, chocolate, cakes and muffins.
Walkers Road Preschool is a nut and egg-free kindergarten. Please do not bring nuts / nut products to the kindergarten .
Drop off and Pick up
When you drop off and pick up your child, you will be required to sign the attendance book. If you need to collect your child early from a session, please nominate the pickup time and advise one of the educators so that they can ensure your child is ready to be collected.
Please note the carpark area is shared with Mount Eliza North Primary School and can be very busy from 8:30- 9am, 3:15-3:40pm. if you arrive on time for drop off and pick up you should be able to find a park. There is also dedicated parking spots for the kindergarten parents.
It would be appreciated if you could please arrive on time to collect your child or phone us on 9787 6746 to advise if you may be running late. You may also nominate another family member to collect your child, however you must first inform staff and a copy of their driver’s license is required.
Parent Volunteers
As a community kinder, we encourage parents or caregivers to volunteer as parent helpers in nominated sessions. This assists the teachers educators greatly and also provides an opportunity for you to become involved in your child’s experience at kinder. If you are able to volunteer as a parent helper please let your teacher know.
Parents/Guardians (including all volunteer helpers – such as Grandparents) are required to provide a current Working With Children Check before assisting at the Preschool.
Working With Children Checks can be obtained Online.
A volunteer working with children check is FREE. It can take up to three weeks for the application to be processed. Please list Walkers Road Preschool as an organisation on your application.
If you hold a current WWCC please ensure you update the organisation details. This also applies when you no longer volunteer at an organisation.
Kinder Communication Tool
We use Storypark and email as the two main communication tools for parents/caregivers at Walkers Road Preschool.
Teachers and educators use Storypark to share the children’s experiences from each session, provide reminders to parents and share important news.
Class representatives from each group use What’s App to create a parent group.
We also have a Facebook Page: Walkers Road Pre school. Please follow us!
You must refrain from sending your child to a session if they are showing symptoms of any illness, particularly those that may infect other children. These include, but are not limited to:
- coughs and colds
- vomiting
- bronchitis
- diarrhoea
- fever
- contagious diseases such as measles or chickenpox
- undiagnosed rashes
- ear or throat infections
- conjunctivitis
- head lice
Your child should stay at home for at least 24 hours after the illness has passed. Please contact the kinder for further information or advice as necessary.
After Care Sessions
We offer after care sessions to all families for a small fee. Please see the the timetable for details of available sessions. To reserve a regular aftercare session you must book and pay for the whole term. There are no refunds for sessions missed due to illness and holidays.
After care sessions take place at the kindergarten and they are run by our dedicated staff. Children love these sessions and enjoy engaging activities with educators they know. To reserve your child’s after care session please talk to our friendly staff.
Fundraising and Working Bee
We are a small community-run kindergarten, and our strength lies in the support of our dedicated parent community. Together, we strive to raise essential funds through a variety of engaging activities. We warmly invite you to become a part of our fundraising committee, where your contributions can make a meaningful impact.
Throughout the year, we organise fundraising events including a Bunnings BBQ and a fun Trivia Silent Auction. We also hold a Working Bee to ensure our kindergarten always looks its best. Your participation and support are invaluable.
Working Bee info date: 1st March 2025, 8am-12pm including sausage sizzle.
Stay informed about these events through our communication channels on Storypark and via email. Join us in making our kindergarten thrive through these fun and rewarding endeavours.
Register for a Tour
Tour dates are:
Term 1 – 5th March 1:45pm or 6th March 11:00am
Term 2 – 1st May 10:30am & 4:00pm
Please register for a tour of our Preschool by going to our Contact Page and reaching out to us.